surf & sky
A custom mosaic wall and ceiling mosaic surrounding the tub
in this luxurious residential bathroom
stained glass, vitreous tile, ceramic tile, mirror, vintage Czech crystal buttons, glitter glass tile, sea glass, porcelain tile, and Italian millefiori

“Vacation all year” —the inspiration for this bathtub surround.
Borrowing from Vincent VanGogh’s The Starry Night, and
Hokusai’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, I have covered
the arched ceiling with twinkling deep blue swirls, and the
base with teal and turquoise waves.

Surf & Sky East wall detail
Surf & Sky West wall detail
Surf & Sky ceiling detail

Surf & Sky photos credit: Mitchell Kearney
home builder: Domenic Verni/Simonini Custom Homes
I am frequently asked for process photos, so have added a few still shots and videos below.
I first drew very rough full-scale sketches on white paper. These were basically just to set the lines and flow of the ocean waves, and to get proper scale for the sky swirls. I covered the sketches with
waxed paper, then fiberglass mesh, then with tiny amounts of glue, tacked down the glass tiles and stained glass pieces. I then covered the surface with face tape, before cutting the large areas into smaller, manageable sections. Once on site, I covered sections of the walls and ceiling with thinset mortar mix, and applied the mesh-backed sections of the mural. Because there was some variation in the depths of the tiles, stained glass, cabochons, etc., I sliced along some of the interstices to peel off areas of the face tape. This enabled me to make sure all of the glass and tiles adhered completely to the wall. After a couple days, I peeled off all of the face tape, and waited a few more days before grouting.

full scale rough sketch
face tape on this section
working from the bottom up, adhering sections to walls
going up and over…